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Attractions eight (modern governance yellow center - Fu Zuoyi small courtyard)

  We have to visit is Fu Zuoyi and the Soviet Union experts to manage the site of the Yellow River headquarters. In the Jia Ying concept of 6 km south, the new China's first irrigation project, is also the history of the Chinese nation for the first time in the history of the Yellow River from the river into the river project - the people victory channel, this The project was built in 1950-1952, during the construction period, the first Chinese New Minister of Water Resources Fu Zuoyi and the first director of the Yellow Commission Wang Huiyun, Soviet experts Bu Kefu, Tsinghua University Professor Zhang Guangdou, Beijing Geological College Professor Feng Jinglan, etc. have come To Wuzhi, to determine the location of the first gate, field inspection to guide the construction. At that time, Fu Zuoyi and his entourage in the yard office, living, on-site research to solve the problems encountered in the construction.

  Please lead (visitors friends) to visit. The courtyard has two rows of houses in the north and south, all of which are Soviet-style architectural style. There are wooden ceilings, wooden floors, thick walls, large windows, bright and spacious rooms, and the windows are ventilated with ventilation windows, Anti-corrosion, it is in the architectural style and the people of the victory channel head Chairman Mao visited the Yellow River Lounge is exactly the same, which at the time was relatively high specifications. Well, please lead (visitors friends) to visit the site of the first office.

  We look at the overall layout of the room is entirely in accordance with the year Fu Zuoyi in this office to the pattern of recovery. Tables and chairs, a few articles such as office supplies, telephone and a pair of longevity vase, pen holder, teapot, soap box is also the supplies. Here is the conference table, when Fu Zuoyi and Soviet experts and others who are here to study the decision of the Yellow River irrigation project major issues. Inside is Fu Zuoyi's lounge, a bed, wardrobe, hangers, food boxes and so on.

  Then I simply give you the leaders (visitors friends) to introduce Fu Zuoyi's life. Mr. Fu Zuoyi, born in 1895, Shanxi Linyi people, Baoding military school graduation, the original Shanxi warlord Yan Xishan subordinate, in the straight in the war to be able to attack for the military recognized, in Zhuozhou a war fame. During the war of resistance against Japan, Fu Zuoyi and the Communist Party to join hands to participate in the command of the Great Wall of the war, Xinkou campaign, surprise Baotou, recovered Wuyuan and other battles, is the anti-Japanese star. His life is simple, known as "commoner." In 1931 Fu Zuoyi Ren Suiyuan province chairman, during his tenure, put forward both military and river management, measuring the Hetao area, the use of the Yellow River water development of agricultural production, commonly known as "the Yellow River harm, only rich set." "(This" only rich set "refers to the Fu Zuoying governance Hetao area). Fu Zuoyi is a very outstanding general of the Kuomintang military service and achievements. During the Battle of Pingjin in the War of Liberation, Fu Zuoyi was the commander of the Kuomintang army. He actively responded to the idea of "stopping civil war and peaceful reunification" put forward by the Communist Party of China, resolutely led to the uprising and peaceful liberation of Peiping, Historical contribution. After the founding of the PRC, he volunteered to serve as the first Minister of Water Resources until his death in 1974, and he was reigned for 24 years. At work, he has always been diligent, hard work, every year with a lot of time in-depth national large and medium-sized water conservancy construction site, his second half traveled the mountains of the motherland water. Yangtze River, the Yellow River, Heilongjiang, Pearl River, Huaihe River, Haihe River and many other water conservancy projects, have left his footprint for the development of new China's hydropower has made outstanding contributions. In October 1950, when the central government sent troops to go abroad for the Korean War, they decided to allocate money to build the people's victory and develop their production. Fu Zuoyi deeply responsible for the responsibility, personally came to Wuzhi County for the project site, and in the establishment of Jialing concept "Yellow River Irrigation" project headquarters, the construction process and many times in person at the front line inspection project progress, he is the people victory The decision maker and commander, is the hero of the people.

  Visited Fu Zuoyi office, we come to visit the "feelings of the Yellow River" information exhibition room. First of all, we look at the yellowing irrigation project to indicate the sand table chart, the sand table shows the details of the Yellow River irrigation project people's victory and communist canal source and direction. We see, this is the Yellow River, which is Qin River and Qin River into the estuary, which is Mangshan, which is Wei River. The Yellow River into the plains, the water potential slows, the river sedimentation, causing the river bed out of the embankment outside the ground, become the world famous "ground hanging river." People's victory is the first use of the benefit of the people of the river self-flow irrigation project. This is the people's victory in the first canal, the first in the Yellow River on the north shore of the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway Yellow River Bridge 1500 meters west (Qin factory) dam, the other side of the Yellow River and the lower reaches of the Yellow River decomposition, so the people's victory in the lower reaches of the Yellow River The top end. Yellow River water from the first flow to Xinxiang City into the Wei River, a total length of 52.7 km. The main thoroughfare is parallel to the Beijing-Guangzhou railway. The irrigation area involves the irrigation of the six counties and one city of Xinxiang, Chengjia, Wuzhi, Yuanyang, Yanjin, Ji County and Xinxiang City suburbs, and provided industrial and domestic water supply for Xinxiang City. This is the communist canal, since the canal first to the north in Xinxiang and Jiajia across the transport grain river, the Anyang into the Wei River. People's victory was originally called the Yellow River irrigation project, responsible for irrigation, drainage, power generation and economic and other multi-task, and many emergency to Tianjin to transport the Yellow River water. The completion of the victory of the people, the end of the "Yellow River harm, but a rich set of" history, opened the development and utilization of the Yellow River water and water resources prelude, showing the wisdom and strength of the people. October 31, 1952 Chairman Mao came to Wuzhi to inspect the Yellow River irrigation project, the project named the people victory canal, and to the yellow committee director Wang Huiyun asked "to the Yellow River things to run." The people of the victory canal first this place, was originally a desolate yellow river beach, the first leader of the head - in the Taihang Mountains played guerrilla Joe Dengshan comrades, was in front of Chairman Mao's face a poem: "The rise is Mangshan, bow is the beach. Winds of the sand blowing over, the light would like to buried me." Chairman laughed. Said humorously: "buried you and he bucket!" And explain the way to fight - only two words: green. Now this piece of desolate yellow sand beach, into a vast expanse of forest oasis, a beautiful flower orchard. Chairman Mao came to Xinxiang in 1958, personally tasted here in the Yellow River beach in the end of the water Lingling, delicious big apple and grapes. The former sand filled, people do not want to come to the desolate wild beach, and now has become a longing for all summer resort and scenic spots.

  The walls of these precious photo information - the situation is divided into five parts of the Yellow River. "Yellow River Soul" This part of the photo, reproduce the flood floods, a mighty force Wanxiu embankment, governance of the Yellow River scene, fully demonstrated the governance of the soul of the Yellow River - "people" strength. "Yellow River style" in the Qinqu, Han Di, the Yellow River waterwheel, modern embankment these pictures, reflecting the history of the people of the Yellow River's achievements, as well as the Yellow River basin mixed landscape. "Yellow River Love" embodies the earnest concern of Chairman Mao, Chou Enlai, Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao on the transformation and utilization of the Yellow River and the benefit of the people. "The Yellow River Imagination", the repair of the people victory canal, built Xiaolangdi Reservoir, water and sediment, irrigation and drainage, change for the benefit of the former burst, today rice grain, the Yellow River in the people's rich imagination and transformation of large Natural passion, become more colorful, and truly become the mother of the people who benefit the people of the river. "Song of the Yellow River" to reproduce the Fu Zuoyi, Wang Huiyun, Soviet experts and engineering and technical personnel to build people's victory when the spectacular scenes, praised the party and the government to lead the broad masses of the people to the Yellow River into a river of great achievements.

  Next, we went to visit the Soviet water conservancy expert Bu Kefu's office. Bu Kefu is the central government invited the former Soviet Union chief water conservancy experts, involved in the early days of the founding of many large and medium-sized water conservancy project design and construction work, the Soviet Union's socialist water conservancy construction advanced experience unreservedly to the new China's water Builders. In December 1950, he and the Minister of Water Resources Fu Zuoyi and other risking snow and snow in the Yellow River coastal areas, for the Yellow River irrigation project site selection. Construction process, he also often in-depth line, site exploration guidance. As a result of long-term invasion by the Yellow River sand, he suffered a very serious eye disease, but still insisted on rest. His spirit deeply touched the local people and engineering and technical personnel, loved by the masses. Bu Kefu in China during the Yellow River, Huaihe River, the Yangtze River has made an indelible contribution to the governance. This is his living room, there are beds, hangers, oil lamps and other items, which outside the tables and chairs, a few, the phone is the case of the year to restore.

  In order to repair the people's victory canal, where has gathered many of our water and geological experts, Zhang Guangdou, Feng Jinglan is one of the most famous two, we now go to their office to visit. Zhang Guangduan was born in 1912 in Jiangsu Changshu, hydropower structure experts, in 1937 by the United States Harvard University Master degree in civil engineering, studying for a doctorate. After the outbreak of the war, abandoned school to return home. Former vice president of Tsinghua University, Ministry of Water Resources and Hydropower Research Institute and other staff, for the Sanmenxia, Xiaolangdi, Yangtze River Three Gorges, such as the Yellow River, Yangtze River to provide engineering and technical advice. In 1951, Zhang Guangdou, who taught at Tsinghua University, was entrusted by Fu Zuoyi to undertake the arrangement and structural design of the victory of the Yellow River. He boldly designed, for the first time in the hanging river on the broken water, made the Chinese people want to dry thousands of years do not dare to do big things. Feng Qiaolan, the word Huai Xi, born in 1898 in Tanghe County, Henan Province, China's famous mineral science scholar, Professor of Beijing Institute of Geology. In 1950, at the invitation of the Ministry of Water Resources, he participated in geological survey of the Yellow River dam in western Henan. He pointed out that the Sanmenxia dam site of the best geological conditions. In 1954 was appointed to the Yellow River Planning Commission geological group leader. In the 1950-1952 "People's Victory" construction period, Zhang Guangdou, Feng Jinglan with Fu Zuoyi many times in person at the construction site inspection to guide the construction of the project, and in this house office. These office chairs, hangers, oil lamps, lanterns are some of the office appliances that year.

  This office is the year the secretary and the staff work place, are restored according to the original, this is the desk, chair, telephone and so on the office equipment.

  We finally went to Wang Huiyun's office to visit the tour. Wang Huiyun was born in 1908, is the first Chinese New Yellow River Water Conservancy Commission. In the course of more than 40 years of river work, he gradually formed a complete set of river thought system in theory and practice. On the basis of summing up the ancient sages and generals, he put forward the idea of "the original Qingyuan", advocated the upstream soil and water conservation, the middle and lower reaches of the river wide river embankment, water storage mud, To ensure that the Yellow River, now Xiaolangdi water conservancy project is a good example. In 1950, Wang Huiyun with the Minister of Water Resources Fu Zuyi survey Tongguan below the river, is the people of the main culitters of the victory project, in October 1952 accompanied by Chairman Mao inspected the people's victory. Wang Huiyun made a lifetime water officer, for the Yellow River for the rest of his life. This indoor tables and chairs, cabinets, telephone and other office equipment are restored according to the situation of the year. Inside is his lounge, there are beds, hangers and so on.