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Attractions Seven (West Hall)

  River governor - Lin Zexu

  In this hall of the West we will see a "no smoke" hero - Lin Zexu, indeed Lin Zexu is an opium war loudspeakers famous, became the first Chinese history, non-smoking hero, in fact, he is still a very The governor of the river, as early as before the outbreak of the Opium War Lin Zexu served as director of Henan, Shandong provinces, yellow, canal repair affairs of the river governor, also visited Wuzhi inspection Huang Qin repair hall, every time he is Personally driving the boat driving in the river to see the shore of the pile, also received the emperor's praise, has always been the river workers checked pile, not so serious. After the defeat of the Opium War, Lin Zexu was removed from all the official office, with the way to Xinjiang also went to Henan Kaifeng blocked the Yellow River burst, issued with Xinjiang in the local repair canal, irrigation field more than seventy thousand and more, and promote the " "This is the descendants of the" Great Wall of the underground "large-scale water conservancy projects in the local people are Lin Zexu Jing as a water officer, so Lin Zexu is also in the minds of people deserve to always miss the governor.

  Governance River hero - Qi Su Le

  Zisuer special status, in the Qing Dynasty Yongzheng years of the status can not be overlooked, Yongzheng emperor's teacher, the construction of Jiayuan concept of charge, river governor.

  In the process of governance Yongding River showed extraordinary talent, so Yongzheng emperor soon after the throne he was elected governor of the two rivers. At the beginning of his administration, he took a categorical measure against serious malpractice in the river officials. He personally led the staff to inspect the river defense, to calculate the funds needed to cultivate the embankment, allocated to the officer, this one saves four fifths of the expenditure. He decided to cut the welcome to send, treat the procedures of gifts, developed a strict personnel financial system, so that the discipline of the former discipline of the river there has been a new look.

  River governor - Liu Tianhe

  Jiajing thirteen years (AD 1534), Liu Tianhe was ordered to govern the Yellow River. He governance river is not long, although the river is no new policy, but his prominent features, is more attention to sum up experience, in the construction technology, management, there are many inventions. He is aware of the situation, care for migrant workers suffering, loved by the masses.