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Attractions Four (in the hall)

  In the hall, heavy eaves Xieshan corridor-style building, majestic atmosphere, and more amazing is the temple is also the local people called "clean room", has been nearly three hundred years time does not clean, but not dust, No knot, few birds, very magical.

  In the hall of the ceiling of the 65 painted by the combination of 33 dragon 32 dragon combination, very amazing is that these sixty-five dragon map to now almost three hundred years, without cleaning, not dust, no knot Spider web, few birds, so the hall was called "clean room". After the expert identification, the hall ceiling painting all painted on the sandalwood above, this kind of wood itself will be exudes a strange flavor, the birds are very sensitive, so the basins are rare birds and spider web, and not dust but can not solve, The results of the identification also shows the top of the sixty-five painted dragon and phoenix map is now the only remaining sixty-five pure Manchu style painting, characterized by each map of the dragon and phoenix attitude is different, colorful, and has There are nearly 300 years of history, but still intact as new, so experts call the sixty-five painting as "the world must be a dragon and phoenix map" look at the dragon and phoenix chart below the hanging of the "Qiaodian Fu" plaque, is the Emperor Yongzheng In the Yongzheng five years leap in the first time in March for the first time led the civil and military Baiguan to Jiaying sacrifice to the river when the original hand of the Royal Palace, in order to commemorate the spirit of ancient river heroes, to inspire future generations courageously forward, Yongzheng emperor personally wrote This piece of plaque. "In the past" in the past, "rain" to say, "Germany" "benevolence" refers to morality, benevolence, "deposited" on behalf of the laying of the meaning, in general, is to praise the river hero to their own moral benevolence like a breeze Scattered in the world, Ze was later generations of people, generations of people will always remember the meaning of these heroes. {This is the original}

  In this hall in addition to the two pieces of cultural relics is worth a look, there are several people have to ask you to understand, these are the heroes of the Yellow River has been governed by the center of the worship of several are {Song} , As well as the middle of the emperor of the characters, may be from the middle of the hall into the middle of the identity of the characters there will be a guess, think he must Will be the emperor, but now to tell you that this is not the emperor, but Jiaying concept of the first long --- cattle button. According to records, the original button is the son of Shunzhi, Kangxi's brother, Yongzheng's uncle, but in the year of the Yichang because of the palace change, the bull button and the mother was driven out of the palace, living folk, because of hard life, And in the Kangxi sixty years the Yellow River in Wuzhi burst, the people are destitute, for the management of the Yellow River, in order to make people live and work, cattle into the palace to go to Wuzhi governance of the Yellow River, Emperor Kangxi was very moved, The governor to make {equivalent to governance River}, to help the four princes together to the Wuzhi River, in the river period, the button to be true, honest and self-discipline touched the spirit of the four princes, river success, Yongzheng ascended the throne, After the completion of the feast, after the completion of the goal, the bull button and voluntary in this monk, so Yongzheng and appointed him as the first chair of Jiaying concept, and give the road number "Run Yu", meaning "the Yellow River God, "the people of the Yellow River is also the spirit of the Yellow River is very admirable, so the people are very much miss him, this statue is the people spontaneously in this repair, to express the sincerity of the people, Jia Ying view of God is derived from the people , The Yellow River is also a symbol of successful governance.

  River River hero - Li Yu Mei

  Li Yu-mei is a legend. First of all, he is a firm man, for the Beijing exam, he and his fiancee agreed to postpone the marriage. Waiting for him Jinbang high school, rushed home to marry, his fiancee has been separated from his yin and yang. He buried his wife, the spirit card on the red top sedan, thousands of miles carried Wuzhi County Ya, a spiritual card to accompany life.

  Has always been Wuzhi magistrate, prevention and control "two yellow" is the biggest task - must do the Yellow River is not broken mouth, locusts do not beach. Li Yu-mei in Wuzhi can be described as hard, stormy night often independent of the Yellow River dam head, than the river workers also due diligence. He felt a big storm after the Yellow River will skyrocket, dam head dangers face collapse collapse of the risk, must be reinforced, but no money did not expect to mobilize the county to donate large bus bricks, with iron bar to strengthen the Yellow River embankment. The end of the project that day, heavy rain poured down, the Yellow River rose, due to Li Yu Mei to prevent the first, dam Enron as usual, dangerous and not scared. The court found Li Yu Mei's ability to govern the river, by the seven magistrate to promote a product river. As the governor of the river Liyu Mei once again returned to Wuzhi, a door to thank the door, a brick and a stone price to pay back the money. Wuzhi people moved to tears, can not think of the world as much as a good man, for the people work, but also accounting debt, the people built the ancestral temple worship.

  River governor - Huang Shoucai

  Huang Shoucai Huang Dawang water treatment, the benefit of one side of the deeds, "Henan House", "Daqing Code", "Yellow Yun two river Ji", "Luoyang County", "Yanshi County" and other historical records are recorded The

  Folk are the Huang Shoucheng as God, in fact, he is a rich water knowledge of water experts. He has a soft spot for books on water conservancy, who had received the suicide note "Yu Gong", painstakingly study the book of water control, and later, with their own decades of experience in water control, wrote the "Yu Gong Note Large and medium-sized lectures "," Hong Fan nine domain nine river map "," river strategy "and other books.

  It is because of the rich knowledge, coupled with diligent practice, his experience more and more, the rule of water to the suffering, get up to the court officials, down to the people of respect and admiration. In more and more legends, he has been exaggerated, coupled with the death of many emperors given the title, and later in the minds of people, he became a dawn astronomical, under the geography, prayer that should pray The coming of the omnipotent god, people have built temple worship.

  River governor - Zhu Zhixi

  Zhu Zhixi River nearly ten years, Chi drive the Yellow River, the Huaihe River, the canal from top to bottom, tirelessly, embankment ditch, overwork, but also ill, north to Linqing, south Pi, places to inspect, so that a disease can not afford , Died in Kangxi five years. Because of his painstaking efforts, the three rivers of water to a great degree of inhibition, when Xu, Yan, Yang, Huai along the masses praised his Huizheng, after death as he "river god." Emperor Qianlong forty-five years (AD 1780), Emperor Qianlong south of the river hours, chasing him as "help Yongning Hou", the Spring Festival worship, folk called "Zhu Wang."