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Classic red line

  Huai River generous feeling of governance Huang project

  The beauty of the Yellow River

  Red Tour Routes: Jia Ying Guan Patriotism Education Base - People 's Victory Channel Site - Feel the Charm of the Original Ecology of the Yellow River.

  The history of the development of the Chinese nation is a history of the struggle against floods and droughts, the vicissitudes of history of the Yellow River, and the historical witness of our nation. For the management of the Yellow River, the working people of the ages, especially the sages who continue to explore, put forward a variety of governance strategy, paid a lot of hard work, leaving the bright yellow culture.

  To see the largest river in the Yellow River temple, the concept of subversion of the "Yellow River hundred victims, only a rich set of" concept of the people victory channel, Shouhao Chairman shook the hoist, the original view of the Yellow River ... ...

  Red tour route the first stop: Jiaying scenic area

  In the Jiaozuo Wuzhi's Yellow River shore to a large-scale royal architectural style --- Jiaying concept, it can be said that it is a kind of out-of-the-way central government behavior. It is said that the end of Kangxi, the Yellow River four times in Wuzhi territory burst. Yongzheng the first year, but also against Ma Yingkou, flooding Beijing, flooded Tianjin, into the Qing Dynasty confidant. For the rule of Huang Anmin, Emperor Yongzheng beat the governor of the river governor blocked, repair dam, visit the river anti-stone. After the completion of the Yellow River closure project, ordered He Chenqi Sule, imitation of the Forbidden City, sent militia transferred Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, Shanxi, Anhui 5 provincial workers, massive construction, which lasted four years, built this large-scale classical architecture group. In addition to the tour as the river and the river station, the station office office, but also as a sacrifice to those who govern the river heroes, such as Yu, the Eastern Han Dynasty Wang Jing, the Western Han Jia, the Southern Song Dynasty, Ming Huang Shoucai, Bai Ying, Pan Ji tame, Song Li, Liu Tianhe, the Qing Dynasty Zhu Zhixi, Li Yu Mei, Qi Suer, Ji Zengyun, Lin Zexu and so on in its column. At the beginning of the founding of new China, the state "control of the Yellow River headquarters" was once here, the first Minister of Water Resources Fu Zuoyi and Soviet experts are here to do the public.

  Emperor Yongzheng then visit the scene of the closure of the project, has long been beyond recognition, no trace, but he gave the descendants left a Jiaying concept, which is the immortal power of human culture. Jiaying concept due to promote the existence of water culture and culture, people remember the history of water conservation and spirit.

  Red Tour Route Second Station: People Victory Canal

  This is a large yellowing gravity irrigation project, the first in the Yellow River in Henan Province on the north shore of Wuzhi County Qin factory village. The project started in March 1951, the first phase of the project was completed in 1952 and began to benefit. After the construction and expansion, in 1987 the total irrigation area of 88.5 million mu. The scope of the benefits involved Wuzhi, Chengjia, Xinxiang, the original Yang, Yanjin, Jixian and Xinxiang suburbs.

  People's victory is much attention by the leaders of the Yellow River irrigation area. As early as the beginning of the construction of the river, Chairman Mao Zedong visited here, and personally shake the head gate of the hoist. October 31, 1952, Chairman Mao Zedong visited Jiaying Scenic Area on the Yellow River embankment on the rule of the Yellow River project ---- people victory. Chairman Mao boarded the people to win the first canal, while watching to listen to the report, very pleased to say: "whether the lower reaches of the county are engaged in a gate!" And personally shake the second air gate hoist, the surging Yellow River water through the people Victory into the North China Plain, the creation of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River development and utilization of the Yellow River water resources in the new era, the end of the "Yellow River harm, only a rich" history.

  In 1990, General Secretary Jiang Zemin also came here, leaving a valuable inscription. There are also many other leaders at all levels, experts, scholars and civilians have come here. Here has become to attract countless come to visit the study of tourist attractions, ditch aspect, engineering everywhere, human history, pavilions, it is indulge in pleasures without stop.

  People's victory is the pride of Henan water conservancy, it is not only opened the new China to develop the use of the Yellow River in the middle and lower reaches of the prelude to water resources, but also to the vast areas of northern Henan has brought earth-shaking new changes.

  Red Tour Route Third Station: Look at the Great Yellow River

  Not far from Jiaying Scenic Area, we can see our mother river - the Yellow River. The Yellow River is the birthplace of Chinese civilization, the mother river of the Chinese nation. For thousands of years, the Yellow River from the mountains and valleys in the Pentium out, came to the endless Central Plains, like a runaway wild horse, vertical and horizontal gallop, the trip "three years two bursts, a hundred years to change the" situation; and the Yellow River flood Wrestling, has also become a great event on the Central Plains embankment life and death.