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Miao Le Temple

  Miao Le Temple built for the tower, the landmark building for the wonderful music Temple Tower, Miaoluo Temple Tower, formerly known as the Buddha real body stupa, located in Henan Jiaozuo Wuzhi County West 7.5 kilometers, was built in the Han Dynasty, after Zhou Xiande two years (995 years) on the basis of the restoration of the tower, is China's 19 Sakyamuni stupa in the fifteenth, is also the oldest and most complete preservation of the five generations of the Royal Tower.

  Historically, Miaoluo Temple magnificent, pilgrims cloud, due to repeated earthquakes and Qin River floods, the temple has been destroyed, only tower alone. At present, Wuzhi County government in the country's strong support, began construction of Miao Le Temple reconstruction.

  June 1963, Miao Le Temple was announced as Henan Province, the first batch of provincial cultural relics protection units. June 25, 2001, by the State Council announced the fifth batch of national key cultural relics protection units.

  December 28, 2015 (lunar November 18), Wuzhi County Miaoli Temple was held to resume reconstruction of the law. During the meeting of the law, the interpretation of the magic of the Master of the Church of the Vatican Band Orchestra playing Teana sound, the German political Zen Master in the wonderful music temple before planting a Lohan Song, vulgar disciples Yang Zixuan live concert "Heart Sutra" "Great Sorrow Curse" and other Buddhist songs.

  Miao Le Temple is the Sui and Tang dynasties confirmed by the Ashoka built in China, one of the Buddha Buddha Sakyamuni stupa, "wonderful music" from the ancient Indian saying goes, is the name of the ancient West Indies, Because this tower and the ancient Indian Ashoka "overnight tower" Buddhist allusion related to, so take "wonderful music" for the temple name.

  Miao Le Temple Tasha for the copper gilt, high 6.74 meters, from Xu Mizuo, seven phase wheel, Baohua cover, hookah, Yang Yue, triple Sarah, brake tip composition, all components are cast molding, no welding and rivets , Exquisite workmanship, rare treasures nationwide. Tasha four corner of the squatting a gilt bronze lion, unique shape, facial hideous, save the integrity of the lions of the Department of an iron chain pull tower brake, Tasha top of the existing "(after Zhou Shizong) show Germany two years (955) Times B Mao February Toyoko Shuo twenty-one Geng construction "words.

  Worthy of a must, Miaoli Temple tower for the Buddha placed a unique style. Miaoluo Temple tower south wall 2 to 13 layers of dome-type retraction of the Buddhist fence for the Buddha; and in the tower, the west wall only in the 11 to 13 layers of the same Buddhist temple for the Buddha 3, and the tower north Not for the Buddha. According to the official music profile of the Miaoluo Temple, said: "The whole tower three sides of the tower wall set a total of 17 Buddha statues, of which two iron Buddha, the rest for the Buddha.

  Miao Le Temple in the ancient Chinese pagoda occupies a very important position, which is part of China's 19 Ashoka stupa of the status of the relevant. According to legend, the third century BC, the Buddha Sakyamuni extermination, the ancient Indian Ashoka for the Purdue beings, the Buddha is willing to reincarnation of the real estate into eighty-four thousand copies, so that the ghosts in the South Yan Futi, all over the world built Taga to support, of which 19 were sent to China. In the period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Buddhism grew up in China, with the help of Han Heng Di (AD 147 - 168 reign) with a total of nineteen treasures of the Buddhist relics.

  Tang Dynasty monk interpretation of the world in the "Law Park Zhu Lin" in detail the nineteen candle body tower distribution, in the original "Sui Huaizhou Miao Le Temple" ranked sixth, after writing in Dunhuang Arranged fifteenth. Miao Le Temple also exist in the inscription records "Buddha in the Shuangshu incineration of the whole body, the gray off the fog after the relic of the relics, built pagoda nineteen, Miao Le Temple of the one also, the Department of Ashoka, Temple tower sequence fifteenth. "

  Tang Dynasty monk interpretation of the world in the book in the first year of the Tang Dynasty (668) of the "Fa Yuan Zhu Lin" records: "Sui Huaizhou Miaoluo Temple Tower, in the East Wuzhi County West Qili Miao Le Temple. See five White floating tower, only fifteen steps, and a stone side of the stone, stone five feet long, wide three inches, the following scales repair, very fine. "This shows that the original music tower tower five white tower, in the Sui Generation already exists.

  Why in the five generations of the latter part of the week, the monarch Chai Rong will rebuild the Miao Le Temple? It is said that after the Five Dynasties Zhou Xiande the first year (954), Chai Rong want to launch Gao Ping war, said the soldiers were poor, Chen Qiu against the war, but Chai Rong force all odds, and near the service Su Yunnian came to the wonderful music temple before the Buddha bless, then decided to enter, in the initial situation adverse circumstances to reverse the defeat, made on the North Han and Khitan coalition victory. So, after the war, Chai Rong will Su Yunnian through local fund-raising reconstruction Miao Le Temple tower, and five white stupa into today's thirteen brick pagoda.

  In 1994, Prof. Chai Dao Lin of Henan University of Finance and Economics found two pieces of monument in the demolition of rockfill in the Miaoluo Temple, with the words "seven days (557) of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and the other is 24 The name of the odds. (563) in February and "Daqi Wuping seven years (respectively) 576) years of age in the year of March 12 ". The history of this inscription may again Miao Le Temple tower of the times to push forward to the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

  And the Qing dynasty nine years (1829) "Wuzhi County" volume twenty-one, included the Yuan Dynasty "rebuilt the wonderful music temple monument" inscriptions, the text contained "Ashoka was made stupid block slope, Cao Queen placed gold wheel phase, "According to the test, this Que Queen is likely to refer to the Eastern Han Han Xian Di (190-220) of the second queen, Cao Cao's second daughter Cao Jie. If this is indeed the Queen of Cao, the Miao Le Temple will be built in the Eastern Han Han Xian emperor period, which began with the Han Huan Emperor advocated the construction of nineteen Ashoka stupa of the time there is a natural coincidence. History of the West Jin Tai two years (266), the Western Jin Dynasty ruler Sima Yan Huaizhou House was set up in Wuzhi, moved to today's Qinyang, Wu Zhi was once the political, economic and cultural center, and wonderful Le Temple is located in the year Wuzhi County ancient Huai City near the site, which is also the Eastern Han Dynasty, the early Western Jin Dynasty political geopolitical match.

  According to the history of the "Wuzhi County" records: Ming Wanli forty-one years (1613) tower south corner of the corner; Qing Emperor Kangxi forty years (1701) in August, the northeast of the tower fell to the eighth corner, which may be Earthquake related. Miaoluo Temple tower had a large-scale washing tower and repair history: after two years (955) rebuilt thirteen brick pagoda, a tower of inscriptions as evidence; the Northern Song Dynasty Huangyou five years (1053) repair; (1614) rebuilt; Ming Wanli twenty-two years (1594) winter November 16 repair; Ming Wanli Taichang Tianqi to Chongzhen the first year (1628) repeated repair; Qing Emperor Kangxi forty-one years (1702) March 18 repair.

  In 1939 the Japanese clawed Qin River levee flooded Qinnan, after the Kuomintang Mayor Meng Xinwu once again Pa River, the flood will Miaolei monastery destroyed, silt silted three meters deep, only tower alone. According to the elders here, in the Yellow River flooded after the tower door can still enter, after the formation of land, the tower was buried in the ground, only exposed an arch along the ground.