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Thousand Buddha Court

  Thousand Buddha Court, Ming Dynasty architecture, national heritage conservation units. Located in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, Wuzhi County, south of the South Street, the Court because of many Buddha statues, upstairs thousands of Buddha, it is called Qianfo Pavilion. This house was built in the Ming Jiajing 36 years (AD 1557), rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty Xianfeng six years (AD 1856).

  The original building of the original gate, the Buddha Temple, Thousand Buddha Court, thousands of Buddha Pavilion on both sides of the Temple, Temple, the West for the monks. The original mountain door in front of a pair of lions on both sides of the door, in front of a flagpole, the door on both sides of the four statues of four statues. For the three eaves Xieshan corridor-style building, the upper side of the width of three 17.4 meters, into the deep three 15.7 meters, the middle and lower layers of five, into the deep five, 17.8 meters high, green glazed tiles, seven beam structure, Each have two beams, four corners have wiped the beam, the old angle beam, sub-angle beam, eaves are no heart Tan sandals

  Thousand Buddha Pavilion from the overall observation, the construction of magnificent, tall and ancient, superb architectural art, carving art. In particular, the interior of the top of the house painted yin and yang five elements gossip map, there are Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, etc., is the Ming and Qing Dynasties release and unity in the ancient building on the reflection. On the architectural style, the eaves deep, high angle, thick wall, carving fine, for the ancient buildings in northern and central China in the Central Plains region integration of science and art of the essence of the study of China's Ming and Qing architecture and religious integration, provided Reliable physical information.

  November 1986, announced as Henan Province cultural relics protection units. 2006 was promoted to the national key cultural relics protection units.