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Dragon Palace

  Qinglong Palace is located in Wuzhi County Longyuan Town Wanhua Village, formerly known as Qinglong Temple. Was built in the Ming Yongle years. Qing Jiaqing eighteen years (AD 1813) due to pray for rain "fulfilled", the emperor to send the north of the three government road Taizhuang Zhenzhuzhuanzhuanzhuan "imperial edict" to pay the palace silver repair, changed its name to the Dragon Palace. After the Qing dynasty light, Guangxu several times to repair, become a Ming and Qing architectural style of the buildings. Correspondingly, but also spread under the "prayer rain" custom of this intangible cultural heritage.

  Historical origins and major attractions

  Qinglong Palace formerly known as Qinglong Temple, also known as Longwang Temple, was built in the Ming Yongle years, located in Wuzhi County, northwest 1 km Longyuan Town Wanhua Zhuang central. Qing Jiaqing eighteen years (1813) solemnly rebuilt, converted into the Dragon Palace. Covers an area of more than 50 acres, the ancient building houses more than 100, the main building Longfeng Pavilion, the main building of the ancient opera, East Gate, worship house, East and West Guanting, Yuhuangge, East and West, sincere bridge, after the palace, Palace, after the hall and so on. The main gods are Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, Dragon King, Dragon King, the East China Sea Dragon King, the South China Sea Dragon King, the North Sea Dragon King, the wind Bo, rain division, Lei Gong, electric mother, snow princess, push cloud boy, Guan Gong,

  Qinglong Palace after hundreds of years of vicissitudes, by the light, Guangxu several times during the repair, as a considerable size of the Ming and Qing Dynasties complex. Its biggest feature is: the room, the wall, the beam, the column, the door, the window is full of thousands of miles of the image of the dragon. Intrauterine cypress evergreen, flowers in full bloom, bridges, colored goldfish in the health pool leisurely leisurely jumping, elegant environment, pleasant scenery. Dragon Dragon Dragon in the world to do the good things and go to the spirit world Hewlett-Packard Zhong Mu Mu Lu run by the wonders of legend everywhere, the history of the real record of the dragon culture will make you think that the Dragon King is "live dragon king."

  Jiaozuo City tourist destination Qinglong Gorge and the Dragon Palace for a, with a pulse of the link. According to the temple Ming Dynasty Jiajing six years (1527) Shijie "Gao's family pass words" records: Qinglong Gorge for the Ming Yongle years million flower Zhuang Gao Bai Ning to accompany the dragon's dowry, "dowry Zhuang" village derived name. Qinglong Gorge in the Qinglong Cave is the Dragon Dragon Dragon couple home to the place. Therefore, want to travel Qinglongxia first view of the Dragon Palace, so that we both see the connotation of the dragon culture, but also feel the beauty of nature.

  Myths and legends

  Wu Zhiqing Dragon Palace originated in a myth of the legend, the Qing dynasty version of the "Wuzhi County" volume nineteen "monuments" chapter records: "Dragon King Temple (Dragon Palace) in the county northeast Road million flower village. Ming Yongle, the fake for the poor, the rush in the village of Gao's home, daytime carved wood as 'whale', the night is irrigation garden field, Jia Mao abnormal, high view of its trail, see a dragon in the clouds in the well, especially Big odd, wife of the woman, then, suddenly see the dream in the high said: 'I have a different Ru, if the drought, went to the Dragon Cave for rain will be'. Foot is the God has gone, his wife But also the death of the mob whale also, since there is a prayer should be, built Temple recorded. There are inscriptions recorded: "Dragon King in the early Ming Dynasty Yongle years. Every drought drought prayer should be, so to create a temple." Added the Dragon Palace of the gods inscriptions contained: "Dragon Palace for the Jiaqing dynasty Zheng Zhuang Jun Ding". Daoguang twenty-five years (1845) inscriptions contained: "Jiaqing years Yi Hou smell different, because the plaque called 'Dragon Palace'". Yuhuangge upper layer of the middle of the snail under the magistrate Sun Suyuan handwritten: "Daqing Jiaqing eighteen years old Guiyou on the Huanji know Wuzhi and Sun Suyuan rate with the gentry people to create, after independence Yongfeng good weather, peace and good." Jade Emperor under the eaves and hanging "decree" card. So that the main building of the Dragon Palace Jade Emperor Court, theater, the main building for the Qing Jiaqing eighteen years (1813) by the observation of the Zhuangzheng petition, with official silver full support, in the original Qinglong Temple site reconstruction The Ordered the county Sun Suyuan personally led the family workers, and personally book Qinglong Temple changed its name to Qinglong Gong. According to the new palace of the Dragon Palace monument inscriptions contained: "Guangxu three years of drought, the government House members ... ... played the Royal grant plaque, by the name of the Dragon Palace is significant." Emperor Guangxu imperial pen "HP Zhongzhou" side by side, one side hanging Dragon Palace, the other side hanging in the Taihang Mountains Qinglong Gorge Dragon Temple. Empress Dowager Cixi Yutu "Ling Jidong" plaque side (now lost).

  Guangxu twenty-two years (1886) in August, in the appointment of the government of Wuzhi County governor Rongcheng Sun Shuqian write couplets cloud: "the gods change with the 讵 in the human Hu to this wild woman village Weng crossing, Yun Yu implementation Chong Can be all over the world after the Song Feng Luodi forever Hongxuoxiu ". Tongzhi six years (1867), Hebei Zhang, Wei, Huai three government and management of the river soldiers to prepare the hereditary cloud warrior Chang-long Bai Lunen title and book gold couplets: "Since ancient times with the gods for hundreds of years to defend the disaster, please Tianjiao people twenty five counties Chongde reported power. "


  May 9, 1995, Wuzhi County People's Government announced the county-level key cultural relics protection units, September 25, 2000 by the Henan provincial government announced as the provincial key cultural relics protection units. February 2 temple and prayer old regulations in 2009 at the same time by the Henan provincial government as a provincial intangible cultural heritage protection project. Now the Dragon Palace in the cultural relics management under the leadership of Mao Wen Road, data sorting, cultural relics and other work is improving, has become a beautiful radius of the beautiful cultural landscape.

  February 2 temple fair

  In Henan Wuzhi, there is a magical land. In this piece of land, the annual Lunar New Year in February the beginning of the beginning of the car horse set, crowded, gongs and drums, dragon and phoenix dance, smoke-filled, gather the township folk art of the elite, the North Sea North Department of the Department Store, Mythology, kneeling men and women of love ... ... This is the million flowers Zhuang Qinglong Temple Fair.

  Dragon Temple in February 2 temple has a long history. Qinglong Palace formerly known as Qinglong Temple, also known as Longwang Temple, was built in the Ming Yongle years, located in Wuzhi County, northwest 1 km Longyuan Town Wanhua Zhuang central. Qing Jiaqing eighteen years (AD 1813) was converted to the Dragon Palace, thanks to the plaque "HP Zhongzhou."

  Qinglong Palace from a moving legend: According to the Qing dynasty "Wuzhi County" records, Qinglong God in the Ming Yongle years fake for the poor, employed in the flowers of high home, night out of water fields, The Bai Qinglong Guiyuan Yuntaishan Qinglong Gorge, high women are dead, dream and loved ones, where the drought, go to the rain, responsive. High home for the Dragon King grandmother built mound, the government for the dragon Wang Jianlong Wang Temple, incense exuberant.

  The second day of February is the day of the rise of the dragon, but also the birthday of the goddess Bai Qinglong in the temple. Four hundred years, the land of the people of Zhongzhou to make the year round the weather, to the Dragon King Temple worship. Qinglong Gong incense exuberant, the village of the temple by the Tam, the ship, drums, stilts, driving and other folk art hundreds of roads are to the temple performances, Octagon merchants gathered, Kyushu department store flow, the official contribution to the delegation name singing Five days to celebrate, more than 100,000 tourists to see the spectacle, bustling.

  Qinglong Gong Bai Qinglong and folk women happy combination of the magical legend, the people of the prayer of the weather, the formation of the Dragon Palace temple. February 2 temple large scale, with the Dragon Palace as the center, the village of the street, the village outside the space, bustling, crowded, each year more than 100,000 people; folk beliefs and social expectations are closely related; cultural activities and materials exchange integration; Attention, generous investment; long duration, will be five days; sacrifice and cultural and entertainment integration; active urban and rural material exchanges, become Wuzhi first, Huaiqing famous temple.