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Create a standardized demonstration area implementation plan

Jiaying scenic area

To create a tourism standardization demonstration area implementation plan

  In order to give full play to the important role of standardization in the transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry, improve the quality of tourism products and service quality, accelerate the construction of well-known tourist attractions, enhance the scenic tourism service function, create a tourism standardization demonstration area, and combine the scenic reality.

  First, the guiding ideology

  To the scientific concept of development as a guide, closely follow the international standardization of development trends, to improve the standardization of the whole society awareness, to promote the standardization mechanism, institutional innovation, to enhance the Jiaying scenic area tourism service functions, cultivate more tourism industry brand, improve tourism products Quality and service level, optimize the tourism development environment, Jiaying scenic area to achieve the transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry to consolidate the foundation, and strive to achieve Jiaying scenic area to build a thick connotation, rich extension, functional, standardized management, first-class service Modern area.

  The grand goal.

  Second, the overall goal

  To build scenic spots with the international tourism standard system, increase the implementation of scenic standards, and promote the quality of tourism services to enhance the scenic area to guide the standardization, brand direction, cultivate scenic tourism brand, improve the scenic tourism product system, enhance scenic service function, Optimize the quality of scenic tourism industry, improve the attractiveness and competitiveness of scenic spots, enhance customer satisfaction, the successful creation of tourism standardization demonstration area.

  Third, the main task

  In accordance with the "Henan Province to promote the implementation of tourism standardization pilot work approach" and "the province's tourism standardization pilot work arrangements", combined with my scenic reality, highlight the focus, do the following:

  (1) establish and improve the tourism standardization system. According to the status quo of my scenic development, the development of tourism standardization development planning and standardization of work management approach to build a national standard and industry standards as the main body of local standards to supplement the standardized management system, covering the "food, shelter, travel, "And other elements and scenic service functions of local standards and service standards.

  (2) to organize the implementation of tourism standards. In the scenic area to carry out tourism standardization to create work, through publicity, training, supervision, guidance and other measures to increase the national standards, industry standards, local standards implementation efforts to expand the scope of the implementation of standardization and influence, through the development of tourism standardization demonstration work , Standardize service behavior.

  (C) establish a service brand. Adhere to the standardization and standardization of management as the starting point to improve product quality and service levels, enhance tourism satisfaction for the purpose of creating operational norms, advanced management, service quality scenic tourist services, and further called the "Yellow River Palace - Jiaying concept" Brand.

  (D) improve the tourism product system. Around the construction of the Yellow River ecological and cultural tourism zone, extending the cultural tourism industry chain, to promote cultural tourism and industry, agriculture, science and technology, information and other industries integration development, development of performing arts programs, fine repertoire, digital animation, sacrifice ceremony and other cultural tourism products, , The characteristics of the tourism product system, to speed up the tour to the cultural experience, leisure, health care tour change, ticket economy to the industrial economy.

  (5) to carry out the implementation of tourism standards evaluation. And actively explore the establishment of tourism standardization activities to create the effectiveness of the evaluation model, the development of standards and effectiveness assessment combined to strengthen the implementation of the standard supervision and inspection, and the implementation of incentive mechanisms to promote the implementation of standards, improve service quality and economic efficiency of the organic unity.

  Fourth, the work steps

  Create a tourism standardization demonstration area work is divided into five stages.

  (1) start-up phase (July-August 2012)

  According to the requirements of the work of creating a standardized tourism model, formulate a work program, refine the task of creating a job, clear the division of responsibilities, convene a mobilization meeting, widely publicize, unify the ideological understanding, guide the whole society to support the creation and participation.

  1, set up to create a working leading group, held preparatory work, study specific work and tasks.

  2, to develop the implementation plan, a clear goal, work tasks, working hours and specific requirements.

  3, held to create work mobilization meeting.

  (Ii) Implementation phase (September 2012 to August 2013)

  According to the requirements of creating the province's tourism standardization demonstration city responsibility division, the responsible departments and units at all levels, combined with their respective responsibilities, one by one to do a good job, so that the stage of work and the overall activities of the organic combination of both labor and cooperation to enhance the creation Effective. To take a special inspection, mass appraisal, public opinion supervision of a combination of ways to strengthen supervision and inspection, timely detection of problems, do a good job rectification.

  1. Research and development of "Jiaying scenic area tourism standardization development plan", and organize the implementation.

  2. Improve the city tourism service function. Do a good job in supporting the construction of tourism infrastructure, focusing on strengthening the construction of tourism information system, improve the standardization of tourism information network platform to achieve rapid and convenient public information services; strengthen the scenic tourist sign system construction, improve the tourism sign system to achieve the main road and focus Scenic area of the standardized information system to fully cover.

  3. To carry out tourism standards publicity training. To carry out various forms of tourism standards publicity training, strict implementation of the published national standards, industry standards and local standards.

  4. Establish and improve the tourism standardization system. The six elements of tourism, based on the development of tourism standardization planning, the overall arrangements for the development of scenic spots, combined with the reality of my area, the organization of local characteristics of the local tourism services standards and service standards, Has a characteristic standard system framework.

  7. Evaluation of the implementation of tourism standards. In the pilot process to strengthen the implementation of the standard assessment and assessment of the problem in a timely manner to propose amendments to the standard recommendations, conscientiously sum up work experience, in the continuous improvement and improvement of standards to enhance the quality of tourism products and quality of service.

  8. To strengthen tourism standardization work publicity. Through the newspaper, television, radio, website and other media all-round publicity travel standardization to create work, set up in the scenic public publicity card, to carry out various forms of tourism standardization theme publicity activities, and vigorously promote the tourism standardization demonstration area to create work.

  (Iii) Assessment phase (September to October 2013)

  Adhere to high standards and strict requirements, careful assessment of the assessment criteria, and actively fill gaps, to further enhance the software level and hardware quality, to ensure that assessment assessment passed.

  1. Do a pilot mid-term assessment. According to the "Henan Tourism Standardization Pilot Area Evaluation Form", to grasp the content of the assessment, in the middle of the pilot tourism pilot, to meet the provincial tourism department in charge of tourism standardization experts to carry out medium-term assessment, to accept the higher standards of tourism pilot work guide.

  2. To carry out tourism standardization pilot to create self-examination. In accordance with the "Henan Tourism Standardization pilot area assessment table" content of self-examination, self-examination after passing, to the Provincial Tourism Bureau to make a formal assessment application.

  (Four) inspection phase (October 2013 to November)

  Pilot work expires, the development of inspection program, in the consolidation of the development and creation of the results of the work at the same time, do a good job to meet the Provincial Tourism Bureau of my scenic tourism standardization pilot site assessment work.

  (V) Summary stage (December 2013)

  We should summarize the achievements made in the creation of work, promote the experience of the results, identify the existing problems, formulate the rectification plan, continue to improve the standards, and constantly improve the tourism management and services.

  Fifth, safeguard measures

  (A) to strengthen leadership, the implementation of responsibility. Set up to create a tourism standardization demonstration area work leading group, strengthen the organization and leadership, the establishment of tourism standardization demonstration area work conference system, the implementation of the task, grasp the work standards, master the work progress, study to solve major problems. Will create a tourism standardization demonstration area into the daily work, regular supervision and inspection, to promote the implementation of the task. To be responsible for the deployment of the establishment of the corresponding staff to create a work organization, to create a program to create a clear task, the implementation of the creation of responsibility to ensure that the work is completed.

  (2) to grasp the co-management, to form a joint force. In accordance with the "unified leadership, the department is responsible for the overall advance" of the working mechanism, co-operation, and comprehensively enhance the strong promotion of scenic tourism standardization, to ensure that the pilot work achieved remarkable results.

  (C) widely publicized and create an atmosphere. To actively do a good job creating publicity work. We must set up a series of activities in the newspaper, radio, TV, website, and actively carry out the creation of the theme series of activities, strengthen the propaganda report, establish an advanced model; in the panoramic area to create care, support, participate in the creation of tourism standardization demonstration area good atmosphere.