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Travel attention to the seven bogey eight to

  Bogey - 1. avoid eating flowers, out of travel is the purpose of physical and mental pleasure, growth knowledge, if every place and not carefully observe the appreciation of the local customs, the loss of the meaning of travel.

  2. Avoid excessive luggage, travel with too many items is meaningless, it is the burden of our travel. With the side, the action is not convenient; on the hotel, not safe. So I advocate a package of policies: all the luggage only a big backpack.

  3. avoid trouble, travel location is not their own "head", pretty strong, domineering or convergence point is good.

  4. Avoid scattered activities, if it is a group of people to travel, it is best not to have their own programs, at least two or three people to disperse the number of activities. Do not go out alone!

  5. Jiujin people separated, a number of mind, be careful for the good.

  6. avoid children, children always need adults care, so that adults can not enjoy the fun of travel.

  7. bogey unknown geography, every place to buy a local map, one can be used for loss of emergency; two can be left to commemorate.

  To - 1. to bring a small package, travel to bring some commonly used drugs, because travel will inevitably run into some unexpected circumstances, if you carry a small package, so be prepared.

  2. To pay attention to the safety of the journey, travel sometimes through some dangerous regional attractions, such as steep slopes, cliffs, rapids and other deep holes, in these dangerous areas, to try to go hand in hand, do not risk alone to go.

  3. Speak politeness, at any time, any occasion, people should be polite, everything humility and patience, consciously abide by public order.

  4. love cultural relics and monuments, tourists should be conscious of every place to cherish cultural relics and scenic trees and trees, not arbitrarily in the area, monuments on the chaos painted.

  5. To respect the local customs, China is a multi-ethnic country, many ethnic minorities have different religious beliefs and customs taboo. As the saying goes: "Romans". When traveling into the ethnic minority areas, we must respect their traditional customs and taboos in our lives, and we must not ignore the customs or their own national self-esteem because of their inadvertence.

  6. To pay attention to health and health, tourism, taste the local dishes, name, is undoubtedly a "food culture" to enjoy, but must pay attention to drinking water hygiene, avoid overeating.

  7. vigilance deceived, the current society does not exist a small part of stealing, fraud, rob the bad guys, therefore, "meet by chance", should not easily cross, do not vent "confidential" to prevent deceived to create their own economy, property Loss.

  8. A thorough travel plan, that is, in advance to develop time, route, accommodation and specific plans and with a good tour guide (book), the map and car, boat schedule and the necessary line (clothes, health supplies, etc.). A standardized travel insurance is also a necessary factor in travel, try not to casually buy insurance with the tour, for self-help travel can buy their own short-term travel accident insurance, looking for insurance companies or online to buy.