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Travel first to do homework

  Long vacation, many people plan to travel out. To make their own travel is full and without regret, do a good job in advance of the attack, the whole bag is very important.

  Stay ahead of schedule to save money and effort

  The most important part of the trip is probably the accommodation, and a comfortable stay includes four elements: clean, affordable, safe and convenient for transportation. If it is self-help travel, you can consider the chain of budget hotels, not only comfortable four elements are available, and affordable.

  11 is the season, self-help travel before the departure of the best in advance booking online hotel, save time and effort. To some popular scenic spots, in advance and good reputation travel agencies to contact, commissioned by its behalf of the room, because the travel agency can get the hotel agreement price, so you can save some room rates. If there is no prior booking before traveling, to a city to buy a tourist map, to see where the convenience and cheap. In some small town town, have a good private hotel, before departure can refer to online ALICE comments.

  Eat according to Raiders "by figure"

  Travel must not miss the local characteristics of food, it is the most direct way to experience culture and life. So before traveling, it is appropriate to search for online food Raiders, to the destination can be "by figure".

  Tasting the local specialties, not necessarily to the local large hotel restaurant, dining restaurant, often humble small and medium-sized restaurants in the local but brand-name stores. Such as travel to Taiwan, it is recommended with the group dinner do not eat too full, leaving some room to the night market snacks. Shihlin night market, Liuhe night market is a gourmet paradise, enjoy the experience to eat throat eye to stop the hearty dripping.

  Of course, we must pay attention to the diet of drinking water, should not overeating, do not gluttonous special flavor dishes, meals do not have a hunger meal; to avoid "fire", eat big fish and other fatty foods, eat some Vegetables and fruits, drink green tea or boiled water; eat cold food, eat seafood not too much, eat more garlic vinegar, drink wine, to prevent diarrhea, stomach bad people must be careful; Spices and dishes, would rather eat or not eat, so as not to stomach discomfort, affecting the entire run. For some poor health of the hotel, it is best to use disposable cup chopsticks and bowls, wash hands before and after meals.

  Line of unfamiliar tourism safety first

  Traffic costs are the largest in tourism spending, often more than half of total expenditure. If the time is comfortable, the train is the most suitable for hard sleeper, much cheaper than the airplane, but also save the cost of accommodation, add travel content. Tickets must first understand the departure time and model. After arriving at the destination, take a taxi before you know about the distance and the price will not be cheated.

  Travel outside, shoes to light, soles can not be too thin, do not wear new shoes, ladies best not to wear high heels. On the way to rest, the shoelaces will be released to promote blood circulation. Travel too avoid excessive luggage, with too many items is meaningless, and is cumbersome.

  In addition, free activities must travel together. Travel is the most important when traveling in a strange place. Whether traveling abroad or domestic, visitors should follow the advice of the team leader and tour guide, do not leave the group at the time of the visit to the hot spots, and go out at night or during the free event. Do not act alone to tell the leader of the general scope of activities. Under normal circumstances, the team leader or tour guide will introduce the surrounding situation, such as where to go overnight, shopping or shopping, and told from the hotel, how to take the safest and most convenient.

  In the event of difficulties and accidents outside, it is necessary to promptly to the local police and Chinese embassies, consulate and report. Passport, ID card, credit card, motor boat tickets and documents are outbound travel identity and credentials, must be carried, safe custody; encountered someone to check the documents, do not easily meet, but should report the team leader. If the leader is not on the scene, to ask the other to produce their identity or work documents, or should be rejected; if the other is the police, you can record in the inspection of their ID number, chest number and car number, just in case.

  Choose to suit their own attractions

  Look at the attractions is the biggest purpose of tourism. Scenic spots, exhibitions or shopping are inevitably spend money, so many scenic spots, which should go to what? Industry advice, the best choice for their own attractions, some very famous attractions is not worth a go. At this point, to see the tour map or to the locals to inquire, choose the most representative of the landscape, it is best to know the tourists played, do not just listen to the ticket blowing.

  Buy carefully guard trap

  Travel shopping, most men do not buy or purchase, if the purchase, may wish to spend some time to buy some unique crafts or native products. Most of the women buy more clothes, in the purchase of clothing, jewelry or jewelry, jade, both to hear the introduction, but also to believe their own vision and judgment.

  Such as in Wudang Mountain tourism, do not in the no business license "black shop" consumption; do not casually buy "antique", "antique", unless it is expert; do not believe the millennium, "man-made Polygonum multiflorum, Millennium Ganoderma lucidum"; see Goods counter-offer, tell the price to take, ask for documents for reference; by infringement, timely complaints, and remember the name of the shop,

  Buy insurance to see travel accident insurance content

  Travel experience has been tourists know that travel should be purchased travel accident insurance. Industry insiders, travel insurance purchased by the travel agency liability insurance, rather than tourists travel accident insurance. During the tour, visitors if the accident or personal reasons of injury, if the travel before the purchase of travel accident insurance, and belong to the scope of compensation, the insurance company can get the relevant compensation.

  At present, tourism insurance basically provides three types of protection: First, personal injury protection, the second is the emergency relief, the third is the loss of property protection. In addition to the purchase of domestic travel insurance, outbound tourists in addition to pay attention to how much medical compensation, but also should focus on overseas travel insurance emergency rescue function, as well as understand the contents of emergency services.

  In addition, many travel accident insurance for the horse racing, rock climbing, diving, alpine skiing, bungee jumping, surfing and other high-risk activities "exemption." Therefore, visitors in the choice of travel insurance, pay attention to insurance companies to introduce travel insurance in the sub-responsibility of the payment of whether there is a limit