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National Tourism Administration: remediation chaos painting does not line up and other uncivilized behavior

  "3A-level tourist attractions during the holiday season visitors wait no more than 10 minutes." Reporters recently learned from the National Tourism Administration, China will carry out a month of tourism scenic sanitation special rectification action, remediation work is not in place of the scenic area, the state Tourism Bureau will be informed of criticism, the circumstances will be a serious warning or delisting.

  National Tourism Administration Planning and Planning Secretary Peng Decheng introduction, the action will be more than 3A level scenic spots and rural tourism as the focus of remediation targets. He stressed that environmental sanitation remediation and civilized tourism management should be combined, to the scenic area of environmental sanitation remediation and toilet construction management closely together to further improve the toilet set to ensure that more than 3A scenic spots during the holiday season visitors wait no more than 10 minutes. In view of the particularity of the toilet, we should strengthen the management service personnel training, strengthen the supervision and management of toilet services. In addition, the rectification work should actively guide the civilized tourism, focusing on remediation chaos scribble, do not line up and other uncivilized behavior.