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  The Yellow River is the birthplace of Chinese civilization, the mother river of the Chinese nation. The Yellow River culture has a long history, broad and profound, is the fine traditional culture of the Chinese nation, our nation's precious spiritual wealth. For thousands of years, the Yellow River from the mountains and valleys in the Pentium out, came to the endless Central Plains, like a runaway Mustang, vertical and horizontal gallop, formed a "three-year two bursts, a hundred years a change" portrayal, and the Yellow River flood Wrestling, has also become a great event on the life and death of the Central Plains. Hard work, kindness, courage and wisdom of the Chinese children in the struggle of the Yellow River, the formation of a unique sacrifice and governance of the Yellow River as the main content of the Yellow River culture, in the entire Chinese culture and the Yellow River culture system occupies an extremely important position The Jiaying concept as an important carrier of the "Yellow River culture town", carrying a heavy history of the Yellow River culture, recorded the new China to the future, the benefit of the process of governance, more inherited generation after generation of outstanding Yellow River culture, is to lead us The Inexhaustible Spiritual Motive Force of the Revival of the Chinese Nation.



  The Yellow River is China's second largest river, a total length of 5464 km, the drainage area of more than 750,000 square kilometers. The ancient and beautiful Yellow River, is a magnificent natural river, a moist life of all life of the river, an endless stream of cultural rivers, is the birthplace of the Chinese nation, the birthplace of Chinese civilization, "Mother River". For thousands of years, the Yellow River with her sweet and sweet milk nurtured the Chinese people hundreds of millions of descendants, with a warm and broad mind gave birth to the world's oldest splendid Chinese culture. It is always Pentium forward of the rapids, we recorded the spirit of self-improvement, that monstrous standing before the mainstay, but also represents the spirit of our nation unyielding.

  Governance yellow culture (both inside the contents of the Yellow River culture)

  The history of the development of the Chinese nation is a history of the struggle against floods and droughts, and the vicissitudes of the Yellow River, and the historical witness of our nation. According to historical records, in 1946 before the 2540 years, the Yellow River bursts of 1593 floods, river diversion 26 times, the history of the Yellow River to the Chinese nation has brought a heavy disaster. Since ancient times, the governance of the Yellow River is closely related to the country's political stability and economic prosperity. For the management of the Yellow River, the working people of the ages, especially the pioneers continue to explore, put forward a variety of governance Huang strategy, put a lot of hard work, leaving the bright yellow culture.

  China's history of the Yellow River dates back to the legendary Gun, Yu River, then created a dike, the Qin Dynasty has unified the downstream embankment system. Especially in the Western Han Dynasty Jia Jiang, the Eastern Han Dynasty Wang Jing on the management of the Yellow River made outstanding contributions. Can be said from the ancient times of the "ditch ditch" to the Warring States period, "wide lei", from the Han Dynasty, "Jia to three policy" (Han Jia Jia proposed to control the Yellow River three strategies: the policy is artificial diversion, not And the water fight; the middle of the river in the narrow section of the diversion, waterslifting anger; the next strategy is in the original river reinforcement on the dike) to the Song Dynasty "building yacht", all shining the wisdom of the Chinese nation light.

  At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the poems of the "water attack" were put forward by the poets in the late Ming Dynasty, and Jin Fu and Chen Juan in the Qing Dynasty made certain achievements. Pan Ji tame of the "beam of water attack" governance Huang strategy to creatively put the embankment is divided into remote embankment, embankment, lattice, on the embankment several types, according to local conditions in the Yellow River on both sides of the dam. (The Yellow River has repeatedly won the Huaihe River waterway, so that the yellow and the Huaihe River system as a whole), that is, in the embankment to prevent the Yellow River (the Yellow River has been the first to ensure that the Huaihe River) Water into the Hongze Lake at the same time, the reinforcement of Hongze Lake on the east coast of high weir, the use of Hongze Lake Lake Huaihe River water to clear the yellow. Yellow, Huai two water confluence, the erosion force is enhanced, is conducive to sand into the sea. In this way, "the sea is not dry and the provision of the river is not pick and deep." The Qing Dynasty Jin Fu, Chen Huang basically inherited the Pan Ji tame governance yellow ideas, high embankment dam, constraining floods, water attack sand, enhanced the lower reaches of the Yellow River flood control capacity.

  Modern, Li Yizhi, Zhang Yinying, Engels (German water experts) and others on the Yellow River governance put forward a lot of valuable insights. Li Yizhi that the rule of the Yellow is the responsibility of flood control and sand control, especially sand control, sand is not removed, the river without peace. Advocated in the upper reaches of the flood repair water conservancy, afforestation, built flood storage reservoir; in the downstream remediation of the river channel, silt beach and open up the river flood discharge. The governance of the Yellow River has opened up a new way for the Yellow River governance.

  After the founding of new China, the Communist Party under the leadership of the yellow work into a new era. In the great leadership of Chairman Mao "to the Yellow River things to do a good job," the call, the people of the Yellow River work to establish a "pest", the implementation of a comprehensive plan, co-ordination arrangements, tackling the problem, River governance strategy, after more than half a century of struggle, the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River to complete a comprehensive management and development, the basic form of the "block on the row, cross-strait sub-stagnation" storage and flood control project system, built Longyangxia, Liujiaxia, Xiaolangdi and other dry tributaries flood control reservoir and the North Jinti, Dongping Lake and other plains flood detention project, heightening the lower reaches of the two sides of the embankment, to carry out river regulation, and gradually improve the non-engineering flood control measures, and in Qinghai Longyangxia to Henan Xiaolangdi The construction of 18 reservoirs, power installed capacity of more than 1700 million kilowatts, in flood control, irrigation, water supply has played a huge role in flood control capacity than in the past significantly improved to achieve the new China's Yellow River years of great achievements. At the same time, it is also carried out extensively on the Loess Plateau region of the middle reaches of the Yellow River. Soil and water conservation construction is carried out. The measures of biological measures and engineering measures are combined with each other.

  The history of the Yellow River water damage by the heaviest downstream of the two sides of the earth, now became the thickest areas of the Yellow River Hui Ze. New China has just set up, in the territory of Wuzhi built the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River the first irrigation channel, and now every year more than 100 billion cubic meters of the Yellow River water with more than 3900 acres of farmland, becoming China's largest agricultural gravity irrigation area. At present, the Yellow River accounts for 2.2% of the country's natural runoff, nourishing the country's 12% of the population, irrigation 15% of the country's arable land, but also for more than 50 large and medium-sized cities along the river water supply, and support the basin oil, coal and other industries The

  The history of the new China's rule of the Yellow River is a history of harming and benefiting from China. The great achievements of this period are unmatched in any period in Chinese history. Since the founding of new China, the Yellow River embankment has been renovated four times, earthwork is equivalent to 15 miles of the Great Wall. Now, from the so-called "hanging river head, north axis" Wu Zhi along the Yellow River southbound, the two sides of the magnificent embankment has become a picture of the Yellow River.


  Dayu is the first "sage" of the success of the Chinese nation.

  Yu Wangge - the tallest building on the axis of Jiaying. Court of the original dedicated to more than 3 meters high carved beautifully vivid sandalwood Yu Wang like. Yongzheng in the Jaying view of the construction of Yu Wang Pavilion, meaning Yu Yu is the success of water in Wuzhi, hope Yu Wang in Wuzhi Jia should be guided by the river gods, protect the country, let the world from floods.

  Dayu flood control story

  About 4,000 years ago, China's Yellow River Basin floods, Yao Ming Gun is responsible for leading and organization of water control work. Gun to take "water to earth block" strategy of water control, after the failure of his only son Yu Yu presided over the water. Yu accept the task, first with a ruler, rope and other measurement tools to the country's major mountains, rivers and study, found Longmen Yamaguchi too narrow, difficult to flood through the flood; the Yellow River siltation, poor water. So he established a "confrontation" with his father "blocking", called "sparse", is to clear the river, widen the gorge, so that the flood can be passed faster. Yu used the "water to be water and water, under the water, led into the sea. High on the chisel, low to ease the" water thinking. According to the priorities, set a governance order, starting from the vicinity of the capital, and then extended to other places. It is said that Yu Yu water to Tu Shan country, that his home location, but he had three home, are busy due to flood control, not into the home to see. Dayu water for 13 years, exhausted effort and strength, and finally completed the name of the flood of the great cause of flood control.

  "Historical Records" "Tan Huai performance, as Heng Zhang". Now, "Qin Huai Gong Gong" There are three kinds of academic interpretation, one Dayu flood control to Qinhuai (Wuzhi), made great success, the establishment of the meritorious service; Second, Dayu flood control to reach Qin Huai, launched a decisive, iconic, Summary of the flood control campaign, which is a victory before the "tough battle" is a battle in all the water in the "hard bones", Yu led tribal "gnaw" under it; three is Yu Huai governance Huang, Leading tribes opened a huge flood control project, that is, "river rehabilitation dredging project", from Qin Huai (Wuzhi), has been to Heng Zhang. No matter what kind of explanation is that Yu Wang water, power in Wuzhi.

  Thus, Yongzheng built in the Wuzhi Jiaying concept, dedicated to Yu, more significant significance.


Dedicated to the center of the hall in the center of Jaying dressed in yellow robe, wearing a crown, holding the mountains and rivers of the statue, is the Yongzheng in the Wu Zhi River when the imperial calendar, According to legend is the Emperor Yongzhuang Emperor Huang, Jia also should be the first of the long road.

Kerry 's first track - the button

Left side are censor cattle button is Yongzheng in Wuzhi governance when the imperial minister, the legend is Yongzhuang Huang Shu, Yongzheng Jian Ji concept of the real reason, is built for his Royal Butterfly.

In the "Prince of the World" in the "bull button, the ancestors of the first son, early death" language; in the "prince world" in the " In the "King Biography", there are "Shu Fei Pakistan's butter button - cattle button, odd grant, Wing Wo all War, no closure" language. These records show that Yongzheng really have a imperial uncle called the button, but the bull button and the river of the bull button and Jiaying concept of the first track long button is the same person? Check the "clear history", did not find Shunzhi Prince cattle button and the left side of the river are censor cattle button linked to the text, but some research, the two people is actually a person.

River governance in the river, in the Wuzhi River workers, the first column, but in the "Qing Dynasty draft", the other involved in the river of the court members have biography, but not his biography. "Yu River" cattle button small opening in that "cattle button familiar river workers", only recorded in the Wuzhi governance strategy and merit, but no origin and other content. And the river of the button, the historical data neither account of its origin, nor account of its fate. Combined with the "History of the Qing Dynasty" for the Prince of the button "early death", and Jiaying the first track of the legend, the historians believe that the river is the Prince of cattle button, which is Junji and the palace of Papua The first prince of the birth, in the court struggle, the mother was driven out of the palace. The prince out of the palace, called "premature death", become a practice.

Legend of the palace of the prince flow to the Wuzhi, in the Kangxi inspection Wuzhi, and Kangxi recognized, but they do not want to enter the palace; in the Kangxi old age came out to help rule the river, so all of a sudden to do the left side of the censor The Yongzheng ascended the throne, the royal palace has been unable to restore the identity, can no longer be placed in the court, built on the concept of Jia, for its final destination. This is why Jaying concept in accordance with the royal treatment of the palace built, but also in the hall painted 65 dragon and phoenix figure reasons.