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  Years long, green history Hao Ran. As the largest river temple in the Yellow River Basin, the only rule in the history of China, the Yellow River, A solid footprint for the benefit of the people. Chinese children hope for generations of the "Yellow River Ning, the world level," the beautiful dream has finally been able to achieve.

  After the founding of new China, the party and state leaders attach great importance to the protection and development work of the Yellow River and Jiaying, the great leader Chairman Mao, the CPC Central Committee General Secretary, the President of the Central Military Commission Chairman Jiang Zemin, the State Council Premier Wen Jiabao, Li Keqiang and other leading comrades Visit the Yellow River and the Yellow River cultural tourism area of the Yellow River, the study and deployment of the Yellow River governance work, research and guidance of the Yellow River flood control and irrigation in the Yellow River, inspection of the ancient and magical Jiaying concept, Jiaying concept of protection and development to give a cordial care And earnestly hope.


  General Secretary Jiang Zemin 's View of Jiaying' s

  On June 20, 1999, at 10:00 am, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Jiang Zemin led the commander of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, Vice Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council, the relevant leaders of the Ministry of Water Resources and the Yellow River Water Conservancy Commission. Ten people, accompanied by the provincial party secretary Ma Zhongchen, governor Li Keqiang, along the Yellow River embankment inspection Wuzhi County Jiaying scenic area people victory after the first canal, came to Jiaying concept.


  In front of Jia Ying Guan Shan, the general secretary staring at the "Chi Jian Ji concept" plaque, to the director of the Office of the Qing Dynasty Yongzheng emperor view of the history of history. Feng Qixiang director reported that from 602 BC to 1938 years of 2540 years, the Yellow River in Wuzhi following a total of 1549 times, of which Kangxi to the first year of Yongzheng, the Yellow River 4 times in Wuzhi burst, flooded North China, forced Gyeonggi, From Tianjin into the sea. Kangxi exclaimed: "River up the river, to maintain the top of the crown wear, the people of Thailand No, about the Qing Jiangshan", especially the king of the governor of the river supervise the river workers. Yongzheng ascended the throne in order to commemorate the closure of the Wuzhi repair dam, sacrifice River God, the feast of the river heroes, at a cost of 2.88 million two silver imitation Beijing Imperial Palace built a palace, temple, Temple - Jiaying concept, and sealed the "four ditch said the case." The general secretary heard this, was very shocked, accompanied by comrades said, "here is very educational."

  Into the Jiaying concept, the general secretary of the eyes of the circular umbrella of the Royal Monument, nodded and said: "like the emperor of the Qing Dynasty crown." General Secretary of the Yongzheng royal monument written by the inscription is very interested in a sentence of a study, kindly on the instructor said: "your words, I can understand, put down a small speaker, the inscription interpretation." When the instructor Read the Yellow River "from Wuzhi down, the land is open, easy to flood, its long time. Frequency north-south embankment, wave immersion and field unemployed, and the transversal canal, Its huge number of people on the people's livelihood, "when the general secretary pointed to the inscription, eyebrows locked, a long time difficult to let go. Speaking of the inscription of the last sentence: "I was the god of the people of the pregnant with the husband!" General Secretary interested in asking this sentence what meaning, the instructor said: "The meaning of four, sacrifice Dragon King (for the people of the water hero) , Water, suffering from grass, solid Jiangshan. "General Secretary expressed appreciation.

  General secretary through the Royal Pavilion to the front hall, watching the Yongzheng Yu book plaque "Jiaying concept". "This is for the reign of the Yongzheng three years in February the royal proppes, 'Jia' is a good auspicious meaning; 'should' for the retribution; 'view' for the Taoist. Speaking here, the instructor asked General Secretary: You look at the concept of Jay should be 'should' written on the right? See is not a little standing ah. "General Secretary said after reading:" less a legislature. "The general secretary of the accompanying staff have also talked about, why is this? The instructor said:" Yongzheng reason to 'should' the two people and one person, that he was a good thing for the people to do the water, Emperor, the world only he respect. "Here, the general secretary and accompanying staff are laughing.

  Jianbu walked into the East Hall, the general secretary watched the river hero Jia Jia, Wang Jing, Jia Lu, Bai Ying, Pan Ji and other statues. The instructor will govern the achievements of the governor of the river to the general secretary made a presentation. History of the river governor of the flood control performance attracted the general secretary. "This is a complete and effective governance of the river strategy, it is worth learning! But, limited to the objective conditions at that time, there is no mention of soil and water conservation measures," said the Secretary, This is an important issue that we need to study and solve. "When we introduced to the army of the Yuan dynasty, Jalu, the general secretary said," Oh, there is a Jialu River in Zhengzhou, which is his merit for the diversion of the Yellow River. "

  General Secretary came out from the East Hall, the stairs and up to the hall, explain the staff to the general secretary said: "This is in accordance with the Beijing Imperial Palace Taihe Temple shrinkage." General Secretary nodded. The interpreter pointed to the hanging in the hall on the first "Qiaodian Fu" gold plaque, to the general secretary said that this is the Yongzheng four years Jiaying completed, the Yellow River water clear 26 days, the national celebration, to the second year In March, Yongzheng worship river god, royal gold plaque. General Secretary said: "This is advertised himself."

  In the hall, the instructor introduced the blessing in the middle of the hall of the long live card "Qin Yu Run Yu", is in accordance with the edict as the original copy of the copy. "Run Yu" is the Yongzheng emperor sealed his uncle button number. So that the cattle cane Jialing concept long, to show the importance of governance of the Yellow River. Yongzheng and seal the button for the "wild emperor", so Jiaying concept in the hall only dragon and phoenix map. General Secretary of the Manchu painting art treasures dragon and phoenix map attracted, can not help but praise: "Oh, precious ah!" Explain the general secretary to the Secretary: National Cultural Relics Bureau made a special trip to visit Longfeng map, expert evaluation as "national treasures, called a must " This temple because of the dragon and phoenix map hood, for hundreds of years, the spider does not network, no dust, birds and insects do not enter In the east side of the main hall, there are river hero Zhu Zhixi Wang Zhaowang performance of the text, the general secretary carefully read, the instructor and he introduced to the west side of the main hall of the river governor Li Yu-mei king of the river performance. Li Yu-mei in Wu Zhi Ren county magistrate, the Yellow River may be expected to flood, called the county each prepared seven bricks, flood season to strengthen the embankment, to achieve the purpose of water up the river, and finally succeeded in preventing a flood, River. General Secretary said: "He did it well prepared."

  General Secretary out of the hall, the provincial party secretary Ma Zhongchen say hello to the instructor: "When time is not much." When the General Secretary heard the West Hall also dedicated to the governor Lin Zexu and other statues, the General Secretary regardless of time Interestedly said: "Oh, Lin Zexu, must see." General Secretary and patiently listening to Lin Zexu River governance performance, Lin Zexu said with appreciation: "He is a good thing for the people, is the people's hero."

  From the West Hall came out, the general secretary something more to say. At this time, Feng Qixiang director asked the general secretary for the Jiaying inscription, the general secretary is pleased to come, went to the book before, write down the "Jiang Zemin, June 20, 1999 in Jiaying concept." When writing the word "should", the Yongzheng in the "should" the word in the single person corrected for the two side, and humorously said: "We are collective leadership.

  At eleven o'clock noon, the general secretary ended his visit to Kerry's view and waved goodbye to the crowd. General Secretary Jiang in the investigation of the process of thinking a lot of emotion. He told us that the Yellow River is a rebellious, troubled river, known as "China's worries." Governance of the Yellow River, has always been a matter of peace and prosperity, we should always remember the lessons of history, establish a sense of urgency, the Yellow River governance, so that the Yellow River for the benefit of the Chinese nation.
